
Are you a Carer?

“A Carer is someone who looks after a family member, partner, friend or neighbour who due to illness, disability, frailty or addiction is unable to manager alone.”

Please let a member of our reception team know if you’re a carer, in order that we update our records and add your name to our Carers register. We will then be able to invite you for an Annual Flu Vaccination and an Annual Health Check.

We will also be able to signpost you to any information, advice and guidance you may need to support you in the “role of a carer”.

Carers can be husbands, wives, Partners, Parents, Grandparents, Children, brothers, sisters, other relatives, friends or neighbours; but carers are often hidden (parent carers, young carers, caring for someone with mental health or substance abuse problems or from different cultures.

A variety of support groups and training sessions are organised at the Centre and elsewhere in the city.

At Sunderland Carers there is also a dedicated young carer staff team working with Health, Social Care and Education for young carers aged 0-25.

For further information of how signposting and sharing experiences can help carers to put things in perspective by learning to share problems, please visit Sunderland Carers website or telephone 0191 549 3768 for advice and support.

For organisations and schools who believe they can support Young Carers or have any queries about how best going forward they can work with us to protect the future for young carers then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

For further information please email us at:

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