Child Temperatures

Children often get a high temperature (a fever) when they are poorly. If the child’s temperature is above 37.5 degrees centigrade (or if you don’t have a thermometer but you think your child has a temperature), try to lower it as follows:

  1. Make the room cooler by turning off the fire and opening the window.
  2. Take off the child’s warm clothing.
  3. If your child is in bed only a sheet is needed while the child is hot.
  4. Give plenty of cool drinks.
  5. Some children find sponging with tepid (cool but not cold) water soothing.
  6. If your child still feels hot, or is miserable, give Paracetamol. Give the higher but correct dose as prescribed on the packet. Repeat every four hours if necessary to a maximum of four doses in 24 hours.
  7. If your child does not improve after taking Paracetamol, contact the doctor.
  8. You will not make your child worse if you take him/her in a pram or car to see the doctor. Sometimes the fresh air makes feverish children feel better.